[Mimedefang] Re: On pinheaded ISP's (sort of OT)

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Wed Jan 31 18:41:58 EST 2007

Kevin A. McGrail spake the following on 1/31/2007 12:24 PM:
>> If you can't reject during the initial SMTP phase, then your NDR's of
>> spam,
>> with their possible forged envelope addresses, will also be spam. So,
>> if you
>> can't drop at the initial conversation, or it is relayed from a backup
>> MX, it
>> is your message, and your problem. Just don't generate NDR's. If you
>> can't
>> return at SMTP, you will need to drop it.
> We'll politely disagree because I am doing my best to reject mail
> including having backup servers query primary servers for valid email
> addresses but when the primary server is down, we MUST queue mail up on
> our servers.  If people choose to view that as us being the source of
> SPAM, then they are negating the entire point of having backup MX's for
> when stuff hits the fan.
> regards,
Another option would be to have all the NDR's go out from a different host.
That way, if and when it might end up on a blacklist, your primary server
won't be stuck.


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