[Mimedefang] Enlisting registrars in fighting phishing and other scams

WBrown at e1b.org WBrown at e1b.org
Wed Aug 22 11:42:35 EDT 2007

I was reading "Report on the criminal 'Rock Phish' domains registered at 
Nic.at" at http://www.spamhaus.org/organization/statement.lasso?ref=7 
which states "Nic.at should be operating with proper 'Terms and Conditions 
of Service' that forbid the use of .at domains for criminal or serious 
abuse purposes."  I checked the policies at Network Solutions, and they 
don't apear to have such a statement, and I'm not about to go lookig at 
every registrar for their policies...

The reason I bring this up is that if all registrars were good about 
having and enforcing such policies, could it be used to blacklist mail 
from or linked to sites at domains registered through such outfits?

Something like Mail from: sender at acmeoffers.tld
Whois acmeoffers.tld -> Parse for registrar
If registrar not listed, continue.  If listed, reject.

During the body tests, find url like http : 
whois cheapdrugzhere.tld -> parse for registrar
If registrar not listed, continue.  If listed, reject.

The Kool-Aid from Redmond is powerful stuff.  -- Gregg Eldred

William Brown
Web Development & Messaging Services
Technology Services, WNYRIC, Erie 1 BOCES

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