[Mimedefang] Starting & stopping Mimedefang

Lisa Casey lisa at jellico.com
Mon Aug 13 12:14:56 EDT 2007


I have been running mimedefang with sendmail on redhat linux for awhile. I 
recently migrated the mail server to a Freebsd computer running Sendmail 
8.13.1 and Mimedefang 2.61  I realise that as far as starting & stopping 
things goes, mimedefang should be started BEFORE sendmail is started and 
mimedefang should be stopped AFTER sendmail is stopped. That was all fine on 
the redhat box,  /etc/init.d/sendmail was the script that 
starts/stops/restarts sendmail and in it there were comments (such as # 
Start daemons.   and   # Stop daemons.) which showed me where in the script 
sendmail was started/stopped and I inserted /etc/init.d/mimedefang start 
and  /etc/init.d/mimedefang stop  in the appropriate places so when I stop 
sendmail and start sendmail mimedefang and sendmail start and stop at the 
right times.

I need to do the same thing on this new FreeBSD/Sendmail/Mimedefang box but 
it's not as clear how to do so. On the FreeBSD box,  sendmail starts/stops 
via the script /etc/rc.d/sendmail but it's not at all clear in this script 
just where sendmail is started & stopped, so I'm not sure where I should 
insert the lines about mimedefang.

Can anyone on this list help with this? Thanks in advance,

Lisa Casey

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