Folllow-up Test Code - Re: [Mimedefang] Potential for Businessmail servers to nothavereverse DNS

Jonas Eckerman jonas_lists at
Fri Oct 6 07:34:23 EDT 2006

John Rudd wrote:

> So, I've been considering 
> moving those checks to filter_end and having it generate tags that 
> indicate the message should be treated as spam instead of being rejected.

What works fine for me is to do this checks just before calling SpamAssassin and add the result as headers to the mail that SpamAssassin checks.

This way I can have SpamAssassin rules scoring for things that looks like dynamic or dul hostnames. So a dynamic looking host name in itself won't stop a mail from beeing received, but it will increase the likelyhood of the mail beeing rejected.

(This kind of thing is why I patched so I can add my own headers to SpamAssassins input.)


Jonas Eckerman, FSDB & Fruktträdet

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