[Mimedefang] Getting the error "Useofuninitializedvalueinconcatenation"

Cormack, Ken ken.cormack at roadway.com
Thu Mar 16 09:15:24 EST 2006

Matthew van Eerde wrote:
> > What version of Mail::SPF::Query are you using?  I'm on 1.999.1
> > 
> > $ perl -MMail::SPF::Query -e 'print $Mail::SPF::Query::VERSION'
> > 1.999001

> Oh, and do you have LMAP::CID2SPF installed?

As posted earlier, I was using Mail::SPF::Query v1.997 when I first started
seeing those warnings, and after updating to v1.999.1 I am still seeing
them.  And no, I'm not using LMAP::CID2SPF.

I've tried pinning down which of the variable was casuing the problem, and
it does NOT seem to be related to the SPF module...  When I comment out the
whole md_syslog line that is giving the error, the error continues to show
up, but referencing other lines.  There's got to be a deeper problem.

Going back through the last 8 days of logs, the problem started appearing 2
days ago, after updating to SpamAssassin 3.1.1 from 3.1.0.

I'll roll SA back to 3.1.0 and see if the issues go away...


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