[Mimedefang] Getting MIMEDefang to ignore .zip files and contents

Paul Rawlings PRawlings at aminocom.com
Wed Jul 19 09:35:54 EDT 2006

My Linux administrator is currently away so I'm hoping this list can
We're running MIMEDefang and one feature I've found that it does which
our old system didn't is check inside a .zip file.
We need to be able to receive software updates from various companies
and these often appear as unsafe attachments and are stripped out.
We've always told partners and customers to submit any such files inside
a .zip file as our old system would then ignore the file and allow it
through - not 100% safe I appreciate, but it is how we wanted it.
I've now got partners on the phone and my own software development team
telling me they cannot get software updates via e-mail as our system is
stripping them out.

Can anybody point me in the right direction to possibly configure the
MIMEDefang system so that if it sees a .zip attachment it totally
ignores it and allows it through no matter what it can see inside the
Maybe even to see a .zip and not even attempt to look inside it and let
it past?

I did phone my Linux administrator, but he is on holiday and his reply
of "I'm not really sure, I'll look when I get back" whereas is fair
enough, I need to try and get around this issue ASAP.



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