[Mimedefang] DBM database question

Dan Massey dan at gconnect.net
Tue Jul 18 15:05:11 EDT 2006

Hi All

Ive been struggling to get MimeDefang to do lookups on a hash file
stored in the /etc/mail/ directory. Here is what I have set up:

I made a text filed testfile in /etc/mail/
Then 'makemap hash testfile < testfile' , so now I have a testdile.db as
well with one entry int as such:

Xyz.com     tag

In my mimedefang-filter file I have (line 314): 

dbmopen(%TAGGINGDATA, "/etc/mail/testfile", undef) or die "cannot open
database: $!";

However when I use this, the server stops accepting mail and throws the
following errors;

Slave 0 stderr: cannot open database: Inappropriate file type or format
at /usr/local/etc/mimedefang/mimedefang-filter line 314.

Yet I have tried the same syntax on a simple perl file and it works ok.
I have also tried changing permissions, ownership of the file.

Any idea? This is driving me insane! Any help is greatly appreciated.



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