[Mimedefang] md_check_against_smtp_server and down server?

Kevin A. McGrail kmcgrail at pccc.com
Thu Jul 6 13:08:08 EDT 2006

As with most things MIMEDefang related, the control is yours because MD is 
just a great framework for solving poroblems.

If the other server is down, your $answer is going to be a TEMPFAIL.

If you have a TEMPFAIL and you want to queue it up on the server, change the 
answer to CONTINUE like so:

 if ($recip =~ /\@anotherdomain.com>?$/i) {
    ($answer, $explanation) =  md_check_against_smtp_server($sender, $recip, 
"helo string", "the other server");
    if ($answer eq 'TEMPFAIL') {
      $answer = 'CONTINUE';
    return ($answer, $explanation);

However, if you are using exchange, I really do recomment the access db file 
via LDAP.  It works very well and with much lower resource usage.


> Just a quick question, a quick search didnt render any hits.
> In the situation as described on:
> http://www.mimedefang.org/kwiki/index.cgi?RelayCheckAddresses
> What happens during this check if the remote smtp server is down?
> Would it tempfail the message or outright bounce?
> If it  tempfails, its an easy solution to a previously complicated ldap
> export and reformat.
> Im trying to determine if I should query our internal mail server for
> actual valid addresses live if this can tempfail, or just use a file
> based db and export out the address via ldap.

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