[Mimedefang] Pre-Emptive Greylist entries

Kelson Vibber kelson at speed.net
Wed Jan 11 12:23:50 EST 2006

Gary Funck wrote:
> But isn't it likely that if
> spammers
> are going to the trouble to add SPF records that they're also going to the
> trouble
> to retry after a tempfail, and thus defeat greylisting?

They haven't so far, and they've been using SPF records for, what, two 
years now?  Some groups of spammers were among the early adopters, 
because they thought it would get them a free ride past filters.

Of course, It's much easier to add "v=spf1 +all" to your DNS than to 
write an smtp client that will retry every delivery attempt in a 
situation where you expect most of your output to get blocked, dropped, 
or hidden.  Why waste the time and bandwidth?  It may not be your own 
connection anymore, but hey, access to those botnets costs money!

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications, <www.speed.net>

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