[Mimedefang] Pre-Emptive Greylist entries

Cormack, Ken Ken.Cormack at roadway.com
Tue Jan 10 13:47:37 EST 2006

> Paul, I appreciate what you're saying above.  But isn't it likely that if
> are going to the trouble to add SPF records that they're also going to the
> to retry after a tempfail, and thus defeat greylisting?

I would disagree with this.

Spammers don't have to be the authors of spam-sending software.  The program
authors would care (or not) about retransmitting after a tempfail.  The
people who obtain and USE the software to send spam will control the DNS
domains they set up (BuyMyStuff.com, etc.) will control whether they want
SPF records in those domains.

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