[Mimedefang] Adding support for learning our addresses

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at redfish-solutions.com
Tue Jan 31 13:36:25 EST 2006

Damrose, Mark wrote:

>That wouldn't work on my system, and many others.  If you do a
>gethostbyname() you'll get the local unroutable address back - 
>since the internal and external DNS for my namespace are maintained
>on separate servers.

Not if you query one of the root name servers...

>If you are using NAT, then in order to accept mail to 
>postmaster@[ip.add.re.ss] (see RFC1123 Section 5.2.17), you'll need 
>to include [ip.add.re.ss] in /etc/mail/local-host-names.  Why not 
>read that file?

Gak.  Then we're relying on its format staying the same, and second that
we need to be able to parse the file.

Or we could arrange to export $=R...


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