[Mimedefang] Undefined subroutine &MIME::QuotedPrint::encode_qp

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Fri Feb 10 19:57:59 EST 2006

David Eisner wrote:

> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/MIME/Base64.pm  ---> VERSION 2.12
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/MIME/Base64.pm  -->
> VERSION  3.07

Remove the older version (the one in site_perl)... oh, you
already discovered that...

> OK, I lied, I deleted the older MIME::Base64 and it worked!
> have the heart to delete this email.  New question:  why is it picking
> up the older version of that module?

Because the top of mimedefang.pl contains these lines:

# Move site library directory ahead of default library directory in @INC.
# That's so we can sanely package our own version of MIME::Base64 that
# won't conflict with the built-in one on RPM-based platforms.

On most systems, the module in site_lib is newer than the core one.  On
yours, the opposite is the case and it blew up. :-(



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