[Mimedefang] Alternatives to Net::CIDR::Lite

Kris Deugau kdeugau at vianet.ca
Wed Feb 8 11:06:53 EST 2006

Philip Prindeville wrote:
> I've found some bugs and shortcomings in Net::CIDR::Lite and tried
> to resolve them with the author/maintainer, but it's extremely slow going.
> I don't know if some of the more wanton issues will ever get resolved.
> Anyone know of a similar module that provides equivalent functionality?

I've been using NetAddr::IP in a completely different context (ISP IP 
assignment database) for IP address/subnet processing.  I'm not sure if 
it's suitable, but at a glance it seems to have more functionality than 
Net::CIDR::Lite.  Works For Me(TM).

I have no idea what sort of memory overhead it incurs though.


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