[Mimedefang] Milter: rejecting commands ?

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Thu Feb 2 15:49:36 EST 2006

Martin Blapp wrote:

> Feb  2 21:26:40 mx2 sm-mta[12574]: k12KQenP012574: Milter: connect:
> host=mail22.bluewin.ch, addr=, rejecting commands


> sub filter_relay {
>         my ($ip, $name) = @_;
>         if($ip eq "") {
>         return ('REJECT', "Too many spam-mails from $ip, $name is
> blacklisted.");
>         }
>         return ('CONTINUE', "ok");
> }

Are you seeing any stderr output from the slaves?  (Assuming you're
passing "-l" to the multiplexor.  If not, please pass "-l" to the

Can you put some md_syslog calls in your filter_relay?

What happens if you type:

md-mx-ctrl relayok '[]'




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