[Mimedefang] best way to access SA's PerMsgStatus

Gary Schrock lists at eyelab.psy.msu.edu
Tue Feb 21 13:30:35 EST 2006

I'm wondering what people think would be the best way to access
SpamAssassin's PerMsgStatus functions from within mimedefang.  I'm
interested in grabbing a couple of values that aren't currently returned.

I'm kinda leaning towards modifying the spam_assassin_check function in
mimedefang.pl to query the extra values I want and return them from
there.  Seems like that would be a pretty trivial way to do it, I'd just
have to be careful on updating things to not lose my changes.  Any less
than obvious catches to me doing it this way?  Or suggestions for a
better way?

Gary Schrock

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