[Mimedefang] MIMEDefang and mailman

Gary Funck gary at intrepid.com
Tue Feb 21 12:10:18 EST 2006

> I imagine this is because MIMEDefang can't infer what username to 
> use - is there a way I can tell it?

Given that MdF's "slaves" include Spamassassin directly, they'll
each have to run as the user of choice.  You'll probably need a set
up where you run two copies of MdF and its helpers.  You'd need
to set up a separate mail queue for the mailman traffic.  Maybe
this could be done by making your mailing list id's into virtual
users, and redirect them to a virtual host, which is served by
a separate sendmail instantiation, or perhaps simply as a
separate queue?  Not sure of the mechanics there.

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