[Mimedefang] spampoison.com

WBrown at e1b.org WBrown at e1b.org
Fri Feb 3 08:42:06 EST 2006

A friend pointed out  http://spampoison.com to me. 

Interesting premise, although I think similar ideas have been raised here, 
ie publishing lots of bogus email addresses on the web for spammers to 
harvest.  THis one goes a bit further in making an organized effort to get 
lots of sites to do so.  All of the addresses are ones that are known 
spammers, but that makes them highly likely to bounce back to the sender. 
I can see this causing alot of backscatter spam, which could get ugly.


"Solving the spam problem is like curing cancer. It's not one disease but 
100 diseases, each with their own issues."  -- John Levine co-chairman of 
the independent Antispam Research Group, part of the Internet Engineering 
Task Force.

William Brown
Web Development & Messaging Services
Technology Services, WNYRIC, Erie 1 BOCES

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