[Mimedefang] freshclam -- Is it a daemon?

Doug Hubbard doug at trackmaster.com
Wed May 4 10:48:47 EDT 2005

It does not run as a daemon.
Here is the cron task that I run to use freshclam to update the defs.

# added to update the clamav defs every hour
18 * * * * /usr/local/bin/freshclam --quiet 

Every hour may be a little excessive, but we have had issues in the past 
with virus getting in before the updates are grabbed.

>I'm trying to automate the updating of clamav.  I'm using 
>  http://sial.org/howto/mimedefang/clamav/
>as a HOWTO.
>I've installed clamav 0.83 (which seems to be out of date now).
>According to the link above, one of my options is to use a script
>called up-avdefs.  The web page includes a link with the actual
>script.  Yet the implication is that this comes with clamav.  When you
>check the script provided by the HOWTO, the comments imply to me that
>it comes with the clamav distro.  I don't see it in my distro.
>So I moved on.  I'm looking at freshclam, and when I look at both the
>config file along with the comments, the implication seems to be that
>it runs as a daemon.  Yet, when I run freshclam, and then check for it
>with ps -aux, I don't find any such item.
>Freshclam seems to run once, and update the database.
>So, do I simply place freshclam in the crontab, running it
>periodically?  What am I missing?


Doug Hubbard - IT Manager
TrackMaster, an Equibase Company
email doug at trackmaster.com <mailto:doug at trackmaster.com>
Website www.trackmaster.com <http://www.trackmaster.com>
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