[Mimedefang] strange issue with mime-tools and "Content-Description"

Rudolph Pereira rudolph at usyd.edu.au
Fri Jun 10 01:11:42 EDT 2005


while tracking down why our mimedefang filter was trapping attachments
it shouldn't have been, I've come across an issue where
the value of the mime "Content-Description" field containing spaces
makes MIME::Head's mime_attr return different results than calling get()
against it.

The particular example I'm looking at has mime structure similar to the

Content-Type: application/msword;
        name="badstring file name.doc"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Description: badstring file name.doc
Content-Disposition: attachment;
        filename="badstring file name.doc"

where our filter is using re_match to catch re's of the form

I've worked out that the problem is that ->mime_attr(), which is called by 
re_match, returns "badstring" whereas ->get
returns the whole field, i.e:

badstring file name.doc

Before I look much deeper, is this a known issue that others have
encountered and/or is it documented somewhere?

Any ideas about the above would be appreciated.
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