[Mimedefang] interaction between sendmail 'access' checkandMdF'smilter checks

Gary Funck gary at intrepid.com
Sun Jun 12 03:24:57 EDT 2005

Quick follow-up ... the problem I was experiencing is that the
errant IP address was white listed in the "grey list".  That is,
it had previously been greylisted and then accepted for delivery,
because at the time the IP address wasn't listed as a reject in
access.db.  The fix is to delete the IP address from the greylist
database, so that it will first be tempfailed, then checked
(and rejected) in access.db.  All this might be better if the
greylisting logic first consulted access.db directly.  However,
philosophically, greylist advocates like the idea of first tempfailing,
and then outright rejecting an errant IP address if the sender
retries.  The ideal situation, probably is that the nightly job
that "ages" the greylist (deleting old entries), also consults
access.db and removes any whitelisted addresses that would be
rejected by the access.db check.

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