[Mimedefang] Detect mail loops in mimedefang ?

Kevin A. McGrail kmcgrail at pccc.com
Thu Jul 28 09:06:17 EDT 2005

I am certain every modern mailer will simply count these as hops and 
produces a proper mailer-daemon email after X number of hops.  Here is the 
sendmail.mc configuration param to change if you need a lower number of hops 
or a greater number.  Otherwise, this probably isn't something you should 
fix in MD.

confMAX_HOP  which changes MaxHopCount [default of 25] which is the Maximum 
hop count.


>I had a mail-looping problem last week and now I want to implement
> something to detect such loops and drop the looping mail if it's looping
> more than x times.

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