[Mimedefang] Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::SQL database persistence.
Matthew.van.Eerde at hbinc.com
Matthew.van.Eerde at hbinc.com
Wed Jul 20 14:22:02 EDT 2005
Matthew Schumacher wrote:
> The only thing the untie_db code does in the SQL module is disconnect
> from the database. Since there is never a reason to do that unless we
> are exiting (in which case it's cleaned up anyway) I commented out the
> disconnect and undef statements.
> I can now see persistent db connections, so it works, but I wonder if
> there are any adverse affects that are eluding me. Can you think of
> any?
Yes - the codebase now has a function with a misleading name.
I agree, though, why call untie_db at all? How many times is it called? Maybe a rewrite is called for, and a patch submitted to Apache?
Matthew.van.Eerde (at) hbinc.com 805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com Software Engineer
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