[Mimedefang] Script for categorizing spam by hits?

Renaud PASCAL renaud.pascal at atosorigin.com
Tue Jul 19 10:29:10 EDT 2005

Le Jeudi 14 Juillet 2005 17:19, Matthew Thomas a écrit :
> Does anyone have a script written to loop through mail logs and return
> the number of spams (via spamassassin) categorized by hits?
> For example:
> Hits:     	Count:
> 5-7		1234
> 7.01-9      2345
> 9.01-12     3456
> And so on.  If you have such and would be willing to send it to me, I'd
> appreciate it.

Well, not exactly the same slices, and not in the same cols/rows order,
also, hum, let's say "the beautifying is quite rough" ...
but it may give you a start ;-)

# gawk '/spam,/{ v[int( $4/5)]++}; END{for(i in v){print " scores "5*i" to "5*(i+1)", have:" v[i]" hits"} }' FS=, .../yourmaillog
 scores 20 to 25, have:253 hits
 scores 25 to 30, have:245 hits
 scores 30 to 35, have:53 hits
 scores 35 to 40, have:11 hits
 scores 40 to 45, have:1 hits
 scores 5 to 10, have:467 hits
 scores 10 to 15, have:327 hits
 scores 15 to 20, have:138 hits

Anad, a quick check of the count
(as these roundings and indexes are quite often a booby trap ;-) :

# grep -c spam,3.\. .../yourmaillog

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