[Mimedefang] RE: HELP! At end of my rope with MD/SA

Dirk the Daring dirk at psicorps.org
Wed Jul 6 12:03:07 EDT 2005

Summary: Adding SA v3.0.4 to an existing MD v2.52 install breaks MD

I wrote:

>> If I add
>> 	$Features{'SpamAssassin'} = 1;
>> to mimedefang-filter, so I can eliminate the "if $Features" logic and
>> simplify my -filter file, I get the following error:
>> Can't locate object method "new" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin"
>> (perhaps you forgot to load "Mail::SpamAssassin"?) at
>> /opt/mimedefang/bin/mimedefang.pl line 6177.
>> Compilation failed in require at /opt/mimedefang/bin/mimedefang.pl
>> line 4881.

Gavin suggested some test:

   admin at host /usr/bin/mimedefang 5 $ which perl

   admin at host /usr/bin/mimedefang 6 $ /usr/bin/perl -v
   This is perl, v5.8.6 built for sun4-solaris

   admin at host /usr/bin/mimedefang 10 SU # more ./bin/mimedefang.pl

   admin at host /usr/bin/mimedefang 9 SU # perl -MMail::SpamAssassin -e 'print "installed\n"'

   admin at host /usr/bin/mimedefang 16 $ perl ./bin/mimedefang.pl -features
   MIMEDefang version 2.52

   SpamAssassin                  : yes
   Mail::SpamAssassin            : Version 3.000004

The last command won't run unless I remove the "Features{'SpamAssassin'}" from
mimedefang-filter. If I leave that in, I get the same error as in my
first message.

Seems to me that MD is using the proper Perl location, that the Perl
installation includes SpamAssassin, and that MD "sees" SpamAssassin. As
you might imagine, given all this, I'm feeling a bit like Alice,
falling down the rabbit hole. I have no idea why SA breaks MD.

Gavin also said:

>Also check your environment and the environment of the user running
> mimedefang.pl

   What's a good procedure to check this?


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