[Mimedefang] Newbie Question

Ben Kamen bkamen at benjammin.net
Tue Jul 5 09:48:28 EDT 2005

If I recall, (and I can look) the default install doesn't tag emails, but
is easy to change in the mimedefang-config file in /etc/mail.

Towards the end of the file is where the logic is located (in perl).

You can make it do anything you want.

I think I have mine to always add a "X-spam-score" (or something similar)
to every email regardless...

then you can look in the headers if you want for the score...


On Tue, 5 Jul 2005, Shawn Powers wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have installed mimedefang this year (I work at a school district,
> summer is the "time of change" for all things technology).  In recent
> years, I ran clamav and spamassassin via the /etc/procmailrc file.  It
> worked fine, but I'm looking for efficiency.  (As a milter like
> mimedefang, each mail is checked only once, even if it has multiple
> recipients).
> The thing that worries me, is I dont' see any reports of "clean" or
> description of spamminess.  Does mimedefang honor the settings in
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf (if I set the level to 4 instead of 5
> for example)?  Is there any way to add email headers that show "scanned
> for viruses" and "spam information" in each email?
> I really have searched and looked at the config file, but I just can't
> seem to wrap my brain around it.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks a ton,
> -Shawn

Ben Kamen - O.D.T., S.P.
Home: ben at benjammin.net                       http://www.benjammin.net
Work: bkamen at uiuc.edu
gPG Pub Key - http://www.benjammin.net/www/pages/library

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