[Mimedefang] Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::SQL database persistence.

Matthew Schumacher matt.s at aptalaska.net
Tue Jul 19 21:47:34 EDT 2005


I moved my SA bayes store into my postgres database because I was
running into locking issues with the Berkeley DB.

The database is up and running fine, but I noticed that that connections
to the database are not persistent.  As many of you know, postgres isn't
the fastest database during startup so I am sure this is hurting
performance quite a bit.

In fact I looked that the performance benchmarks on the spamassassin
site: http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/BayesBenchmarkResults and they
 show postgres to be a terrible performer which would be true if the are
not using persistent database connections.

So the question is, is there a way to make SA use persistent
connections?  I read though the docs and didn't see anything.  Perhaps a
way to create a persistent connection in MD and pass it to the SA module?


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