[Mimedefang] MXCommand: connect: Connection refused

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Thu Jul 28 16:24:45 EDT 2005

pkaldis wrote:

> Hi folks, I've been running with Mimedefang and Spamassassin for over a
> year now without any problem. Suddenly we are seeing the above message
> on our external mail server and the multiplexor keeps dying after about
> a minute of operation.

Try stracing it:

strace /usr/local/bin/mimedefang-multiplexor -D ...other options go here...
and see if you can find out why it's dying.

Anything in the logs?  (Apart from the Connection refused message.)

Do you have process accounting turned on?  We had a customer whose process
accounting file reached 2GB in size and then nothing else worked...



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