[Mimedefang] Mdf 2.52 suggested-minimum-filter-for-windows-clients?

Jim McCullars jim at info.uah.edu
Wed Jul 27 13:17:56 EDT 2005

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, Gary Funck wrote:

> just fine, but the differences in the file $Id
> looks strnage since it refers to "windows clients".
> This is install is on x86 Linux running Fedora FC3.

  My guess is, that comment referred to the clients that will be reading
the email, not the email server that will be scanning it.  In other words,
"this is the minimum set of filter rules that you need to run if you have
end users running Windows-based email clients".  As an example, the check
for suspicious characters in headers was included specifically because of
a security hole in Outlook.

Jim McCullars
University of Alabama in Huntsville

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