[Mimedefang] quarantine and notify recipient

Mark Coetser mark at bwbtrading.co.za
Wed Jul 27 08:51:37 EDT 2005

This is perfect,

Is there a way that I can pull the sender from the quarantined message and
maybe the subject so that I can create a notification to the recipient with
some detail of the message that was blocked ?

Thank you,

Mark Adrian Coetser
mark at bwbtrading.co.za, mark at thummb.com
http://www.bwbtrading.co.za http://www.thummb.com
cel: +27 83 296 1199
tel: +27 11 334 7779

-----Original Message-----
From: mimedefang-bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com
[mailto:mimedefang-bounces at lists.roaringpenguin.com] On Behalf Of David F.
Sent: 26 July 2005 10:19 PM
To: mimedefang at lists.roaringpenguin.com
Subject: Re: [Mimedefang] quarantine and notify recipient

Mark Coetser wrote:
> Thank you for the response you don't happen to have a sample/example of
> either Mail::Send or Mail::Sendmail that I could  use in my setup

MIMEDefang has a built-in function for sending mail:

send_mail('<address at of.sender>',
	  'Full Name of Sender',
          '<address at of.recipient>',


foreach my $recip (@Recipients) {
	send_mail('<annoyance at roaringpenguin.com>',
		  'Useless Notification Service',

		  "From: <annoyance\@roaringpenguin.com>\n" .
		  "To: $recip\n" .
		  "Subject: Annoying notification\n" .
		  "\n" .
		  "Hello.  This is an annoying notification!\n");


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