[Mimedefang] Code to remove winmail.dat files and replace them with the attachments.

Matthew Schumacher matt.s at aptalaska.net
Tue Jul 19 15:36:36 EDT 2005

hans hm04 wrote:
> hi Thomas 
> did you find a solution in the meantime ? 
> i noticed, not all winmail.dat-attachements do have 
> real data with included files. 
> some of them have only a pointer to a file of an external filesystem.
> therefore nothing couldn't be extracted. 
> i am also interesting of automtic converting winmail.dat to 
> "normal" attachments - as we don't use microsoft 
> so i asked for a solution in 02/2004 - but no satisfied answers.
> in the meantime there is a patch availabel - as i see.
> are there success-stories with this patch too ? 
> best regards 
> hans 

Whoa, someone is talking about my code and I'm not even paying attention....

I have that code in prod and it works fine, but you must compile and
install the ytnef binary.

If you look at the code:

@new_files = `/usr/local/bin/ytnef -f Work $path`;

foreach my $file ( @new_files ){
  chomp( $file );
  push( @tnef_files, $file );
  md_syslog( 'info', "Found file $file in winmail.dat attachment" );

It uses ytnef to extract the files, if there are files extracted they
are later attached, if not, the winmail.dat file is deleted and nothing
is attached.

Hope that helps,

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