[Mimedefang] Fedora to replace sendmail with Exim as default MTA?

Arthur Corliss corliss at digitalmages.com
Wed Feb 23 12:48:53 EST 2005

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Michael Sims wrote:

> Already did that, about 2-3 months ago.  All my servers are running Debian Sarge,
> except for one that is still on RHEL due to a support contract for our SAN
> connectivity.  Debian is a refreshing change from Red Hat, IMHO.  I've found it to
> be less crufty and much more consistent.

If you want something done right (or done so wrong that it looks right to you)
do it yourself.  ;-)  Roll your own distribution.

> I have to admit that I just don't understand all of the anti-Sendmail sentiment I
> see all over various mailing lists and forums such as Slashdot.  Everytime the
> subject comes up there are tons of people saying "the absolute worst thing you can
> do is run Sendmail" or "there's no excuse for running Sendmail because there are
> much better alternatives", etc.  I actually *LIKE* Sendmail.  Maybe it's just due to
> familiarity and comfort, but I have absolutely no interest in using any other MTA.
> Of course MIMEDefang is a big part of that, but it's not all of it.  I think if you
> stick to the mc files and treat the cf files like machine-readable data as opposed
> to human-readable, Sendmail is actually pretty easy to understand.  I'm sure its
> security record could be better, but then again I keep my machines updated and I've
> yet to be hacked via a Sendmail vulnerability.
> I usually end up staying out of those discussions because I'm not big on religious
> wars but I always feel like I'm just about the only one out there that prefers
> Sendmail to these other MTAs...

Amen.  In addition to that, every commercial UNIX that I work with uses
sendmail by default, so why not use the industry standard?  I use Sendmail, I
like the m4 configuration method, and for all of the zealots who slam it
because of its earlier spotty security record, it's got to be one of the most
mature and reviewed code bases out there by now.

	--Arthur Corliss
	  Bolverk's Lair -- http://arthur.corlissfamily.org/
	  Digital Mages -- http://www.digitalmages.com/
	  "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto

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