[Mimedefang] disclamer only for out going mails.

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Thu Dec 22 10:09:04 EST 2005

Kai Ung wrote:

> How about a Perl routine that converts the letters in the disclaimer
> into

>   __   __   ___         __  ___  ___
>  |__| [__  |    | |    |__| |__/  |
>  |  | ___] |___ | |    |  | |  \  |

apt-get install figlet. :-)

I suspect the OP wants fine print for the disclaimer, though, not large
print.  So how about translating the disclaimer to:

.... ....... .. ..... ....... ... ........ .......... ... .....

and saying that it's in 3-point plain-text font?

 ____              _     _
|  _ \  __ ___   _(_) __| |  <--- Done by figlet
| | | |/ _` \ \ / / |/ _` |       not by hand.
| |_| | (_| |\ V /| | (_| |
|____/ \__,_| \_/ |_|\__,_|

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