[Mimedefang] scan known-password protected ZIP files

Pierre Dehaen pi at drever.be
Tue Aug 30 07:39:42 EDT 2005


Is it possible to make the filter accept password protected ZIP files only when 
the password is the company's chosen (configured) one and the virus scan 
did not report any virus ? The company would then give the password to use 
to its customers/suppliers/...

I see in the man page of Archive::Zip that "The Archive::Zip module does not 
currently create or extract encrypted members." but I also see in 
clamscan/manager.c of clamav that it can scan protected zip files with a 
hard-coded password:
   char *args[] = { "unzip", "-P", "clam", "-o", NULL, NULL };
Mimedefang talks to clamd, which does not contain such a code, so I don't 
know if it is possible to do it in this case.

So the idea could be the following in mimedefang-filter:
  if (the zip file does not contain bad extensions) {
    if (contains password protected files) {
      unzip with an external unzip program and a given, hard-coded, password
      if (it works) {
        scan the files
      } else {

Does this make sense to you ? Thanks for any feedback.

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