[Mimedefang] spamtrap on secondary MX

Graham Dunn gdunn at inscriber.com
Wed Nov 24 10:54:18 EST 2004

-ray wrote:

>I read an article in SysAdmin that talked about setting up a spamtrap on a
>secondary or tertiary MX box.  The box would look like a good MTA, answers
>helo and 'mail from', but on 'rcpt to' always returns "451 Try again
>later".  The idea being spammers prefer secondary MX's, but will never try
>again.  A legit host that happens to connect will of course try again
>later (hopefully to primary MX).  The author claims this reduced spam
>intake by 10%.
>Anyone done anything similar?  Any thoughts?  Seems like a simple way to 
>catch a lot of spam...
Check out milter-greylist, (this can be done in mimedefang, but it's a 
much more lightweight as a milter). Or any other greylist solution, for 
that matter.

It's working quite well. I think there are still some issues that you 
hit if you're greylisting millions of entries, but for mid-small 
servers, it's quite nice.

Graham Dunn, IT Manager Inscriber Technology Corporation 
26 Peppler St, Waterloo, ON, CA N2J3C4 
519 570 9111 x243

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