[Mimedefang] Re: R/W: lock failed: File exists

Andrzej Marecki amr at astro.uni.torun.pl
Wed May 26 03:44:12 EDT 2004

> It is trying to lock the bayes journal, and other mimedefang threads can't
> read to it while it learns from the journal.
> This will solve your problem.
> My settings:
> bayes settings:
> bayes_learn_to_journal 1
> bayes_journal_max_size 5120000
> cronjob:
> */55 * * * *        su -c 'sa-learn --rebuild' defang; echo defang >
> /dev/null

Very well, but...

What you suggest is a kinda workaround to be applied at the sites where the
problem occurs. Now, since the nature of the problem seems to be quite
generic I'm just very curious why don't *others* complain??! Because it
looks as if only a *minority* of MD/SA installations (like yours and mine)
get those nasty messages and so you offer a workaround for them.

So now, just for my curiosity sake, I have a very basic question: which of
these two points below is true and which is false.

1. There is something weird with my installation but, OK, luckily 
   enough there's a workaround.
2. Everyone has the same problem so for each and every MD/SA installation
   a workaround like that is needed.
And finally, is 2. is true then maybe something more than a workaround 
should be invented?


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