[Mimedefang] slave ran out of memory

Marco Berizzi pupilla at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 11 11:38:36 EST 2004

Hello everybody.
I'm having a problem with this piece of filter:

if (lc($ext) =~ /\.zip$/) {
 use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES);
        my $path = $entity->bodyhandle->path;
        my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
   Archive::Zip::setErrorHandler(sub {});
        if ($zip->read($path) == AZ_OK()) {
            md_syslog('debug', "Scanning zip file, Path=$path");
            my $tfname = Archive::Zip::tempFileName('.');
            my @members = $zip->members();
            foreach my $member (@members) {
                my $file = $member->fileName();
                $size = $member->uncompressedSize();
                md_syslog('debug', "Scanning zip entry $file, size=$size");
                # approx 50Mb siz limit!
  if ($size > 50e6) {
                    md_graphdefang_log('Archive member too big ', $file, $RelayAddr);
      action_notify_administrator("Archive member too big $file - mail bounced");
      action_bounce("Archive member $file too big");

                if ($member->isEncrypted()) {
                    md_syslog('debug', "scanning Encrypted ZIP member $file");
                    my ($bad_exts, $re);
                    $bad_exts = '(ade|adp|app|asd|asf|wsh|zip|\{[^\}]+\})';
                    $re = '\.' . $bad_exts . '\.*([^-A-Za-z0-9_.,]|$)';
                    if (lc($file) =~ $re) {
                        md_graphdefang_log('Encrypted_badfile', $file, $RelayAddr);
                        action_notify_administrator("A file called $file was detected in an encrypted ZIP file attached to an incoming e-mail - bounced.");
                        #action_quarantine_entire_message("An encrypted ZIP attachment conatining $file was removed from this document as it\nconstituted a security hazard.  If you require this document, please contact\nIT Support to arrange for it to be released.\n");
   action_bounce("Encrypted files of this type not allowed here");
                    md_syslog('warning', "Encrypted file $file");
  } else {
                 $zip->extractMember($member, $tfname);
                 md_syslog('debug', "Scanning ZIP entry $file");
                 use File::Scan;
                 my $scanner = File::Scan->new;
                 my $virus = $scanner->scan($tfname);
                 if ($virus) {
                        md_graphdefang_log('virus', $virus, $RelayAddr);
          action_notify_administrator("Virus $VirusName inside zip found in mail - rejected");
          action_bounce("Virus $VirusName found in mail - rejected");
        } else {
  md_graphdefang_log('bad_file', 'broken zip', $RelayAddr);
  action_notify_administrator("broken zip");

I'm getting this error:

sm-mta[25138]: i2AExLHc025138: from=<xxx at yyy>, size=2698667, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<200403101459.i2AExLHc025138 at yyy>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=mid-1.inet.it []
mimedefang.pl[21431]: Scanning zip file, Path=Work/msg-21431-141.zip 
mimedefang.pl[21431]: Scanning zip entry Off Tecnica SAA4C001_V03.doc, size=7021568 
mimedefang-multiplexor: Slave 1 ran out of memory -- possible DoS attack due to complex MIME?
mimedefang[25139]: Error from multiplexor: ERR No response from slave
mimedefang[25139]: i2AExLHc025138: Filter failed.  Message kept in /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mdefang-i2AExLHc025138
sm-mta[25138]: i2AExLHc025138: Milter: data, reject=451 4.7.1 Please try again later
sm-mta[25138]: i2AExLHc025138: to=<zzz at mydomain.uuu>, delay=00:00:27, pri=2728667, stat=Please try again later

I have workarounded with:

if (-s "./INPUTMSG" < 200*1024) {

bla bla bla


Is there a cleaner way to avoid this error?

I have also upgraded -R and -M multiplexor parameter from 10000/30000
to 60000/60000


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