[Mimedefang] Status of multiple AV scan in v2.39

Lucas Albers albersl at cs.montana.edu
Wed Mar 3 12:54:17 EST 2004

David F. Skoll said:
> On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Graham Dunn wrote:
>> I vaguely remember some mention that this version supported scanning
>> using multiple engines, rather than the "first found" approach.
> No; the latest beta has it, though.
> Regards,
it's easy to setup for earlier versions, just go read the archives.

the pertinent part is:
sub message_contains_virus () {
    #return message_contains_virus_carrier_scan() if
    #return (wantarray ? (0, 'ok', 'ok') : 0);
 my($code, $cat, $act);
 if ($Features{'Virus:FileScan'}) {
        #md_syslog('warning', "Running Virus Scanner Filescan");
 ($code, $cat, $act) = message_contains_virus_filescan();
  #action_change_header("X-Virus-Scanned by FileScan");
  if ($act ne "ok"){
        md_syslog('warning', "Running Virus Scanner Filescan Detected
,$code,$cat,$act ");
        return (wantarray ?  ($code, $cat, $act) : $code) if $act ne "ok";

 if ($Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'}) {
        #md_syslog('warning', "Running Virus Scanner CLAMAV");

 ($code, $cat, $act) = message_contains_virus_clamav();
 #action_change_header("X-Virus-Scanned by CLAMAV");
        if ($act ne "ok"){
        md_syslog('warning', "Running Virus Scanner CLAMAV Detected
        return (wantarray ? ($code, $cat, $act) : $code) if $act ne "ok";

 if ($Features{'Virus:FPROT'}) {
        #md_syslog('warning', "Running Virus Scanner FPROT");

 ($code, $cat, $act) = message_contains_virus_fprot();
 #action_change_header("X-Virus-Scanned by FPROT");

        if ($act ne "ok"){
        action_quarantine_entire_message("FPROT DETECTED
        action_notify_administrator("FPROT Detected $code,$cat,$act.\n");

        md_syslog('warning', "Running Virus Scanner FPROT Detected
        return (wantarray ? ($code, $cat, $act) : $code) if $act ne "ok";

if ($Features{'Virus:NAI'}) {
        #md_syslog('warning', "Running Virus Scanner NAI");
 ($code, $cat, $act) = message_contains_virus_nai();
  #action_change_header("X-Virus-Scanned by NAI");

        if ($act ne "ok"){
        action_quarantine_entire_message("NAI DETECTED
        action_notify_administrator("NAI Detected $code,$cat,$act.\n");
        md_syslog('warning', "Running Virus Scanner NAI Detected
        return (wantarray ? ($code, $cat, $act) : $code) if $act ne "ok";

1.) modify mimedefnag-filter to have this in it, comment out all
declarations of virus scanners at top of function.
See how all instances of return message_contains_virus* at top of function
are commented out.
add in declarations for virus scanners you want to run.

Declare the virus scanners you have in /usr/bin/mimedefang.pl, basically
you declare the scan and then the path, like such:
This is what I have in /usr/bin/mimedefang.pl
$Features{'Virus:CLAMAV'}   = ('/usr/bin/clamdscan');
$Features{'Virus:FPROT'}    = ('/usr/local/bin/f-prot');
$Features{'Virus:FileScan'} = $Features{'File::Scan'};
$Features{'Virus:NAI'}      = ('/usr/local/sbin/uvscan');

I also do my virus scanner reject in filter_begin, like such:
 my($code, $category, $action) = message_contains_virus();
    # Lower level of paranoia - only looks for actual viruses
    #$FoundVirus = ($category eq "virus");
    if (!defined($action)){
    $action = "";
    if (!defined($category)){
    $category = "";

 if ($action eq "virus" || $action eq "quarantine"){
         md_log('virus',$VirusName, $RelayAddr);
        action_quarantine_entire_message("Virus Scanner detected virus");
        return action_discard();

Test everything!, save all our rejected virus scanner messages for a few
weeks until you are sure you understand how it works, and you don't have a
too paranoid setting.
(Assuming this is a virus scanner deployment.)
Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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