SOCKETMAP performace (was Re: [Mimedefang] sendmail 8.13.0)

Mark admin at
Thu Jul 29 12:15:54 EDT 2004

David F. Skoll wrote:

>> Question, though, how will you keep a persistent, say, MySQL
>> connection in Perl, for the backend socketmap functionality?
> Keep a global variable called $DBH. Write code like this:
> # Put this at the top of your filter
> undef $DBH;
> sub get_dbh {
>     # Re-use if we already have one
>     return $DBH if defined($DBH);
>     # Get and cache a connection
>     $DBH = DBI->connect(....);
>     return $DBH;
> }
> Then in your filter routines, whenever you need the handle:
> sub blah {
>     my $dbh = get_dbh();
>     # Now use dbh here...
> }

So, basically, you cache per-child, right? That is what I figured.
Everything I read about it says a child should never try and share the $dbh
object with the parent (as parent and kids might inadvertently be using the
same channel at the same time). Too bad, though. The real time-safer would
have been in not having to initialize a connection for each new child.

Thanks anyway,

- Mark

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