[Mimedefang] Replace with URL?

Fernando Gleiser fgleiser at cactus.fi.uba.ar
Tue Jul 27 17:18:48 EDT 2004

One of my customers wants to replace all attachs in internal mail (the
sender and all the recipients are in the local domain) greather than
300k with a link to the internal webserver, in order to save diskspace
in the mail server.

I think I can do that with replace_with_url, I was thinking something
along the lines of:

if ($Sender =~/\@localdomain.com>?$/) {
LOOP:   foreach $rcpt (@recipients) {
        if ($rcpt !~ /\@localdomain.com>?$/) {
            last LOOP;

if ($localmail==1) {
    $size = (stat($entity->bodyhandle->path))[7];
    if ($size > 500000) {
        return action_replace_with_url($entity,
            "Your attach was for internal personnel only".
			"and it was bigger then 500k. To see it,".
			"please click here \n\n\t_URL_\n");

So my questions are:

1) does it look good?
2) where should I put it? in filter()? after all the other filtering was
3) is there any other way to do it?

Thanks in advance


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