[Mimedefang] mimedefang.sock error

Stephen Smoogen smoogen at lanl.gov
Mon Jan 26 19:17:16 EST 2004

Could you send the following extra info to the list just so that people 
can help:

ls -lad /var/spool/MIMEDefang
ls -lad /var/spool/MIMEDefang/*

also what is the OS and what is the perl

On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, Mail Administrator wrote:

>Hi All,
>I came back from lunch today to hear people saying they can't send mail. 
>Looking in the /var/log/maillog, I see two Bad Things(tm)
>Jan 26 13:42:12 meow sendmail[8791]: i0QLgCFl008791: Milter 
>(mimedefang): local socket name /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock unsafe
>In the archives, I see that the generic response is "make sure /var & 
>/var/spool are owned by root and not group/world writable. Already been 
>there and checked that.
>#2: (which I find no reference to in the Archives):
>Milter (mimedefang): write(Q) returned -1, expected 5: Broken pipe
>Mimedefang.sock does not exist, I assume because mimedefang isn't really 
>running. I further assume that is the reason for #2.
>MimeDefang is 2.39. Sendmail is 8.12.11. SA is 2.63. I'm using Sophos 
>for antivirus.
>I'm now going to recompile sendmail.cf from an .mc file with no milter 
>line, just so I can get mail flowing again. This system has been up for 
>a week, working flawlessly. It just replaced a system that was in use 
>for over one year, and in the end was MD 2.37/SM 8.12.10/SA 2.60/Sophos.
>Any help most certainly be appreciated.
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Stephen John Smoogen		smoogen at lanl.gov
Los Alamos National Lab  CCN-5 Sched 5/40  PH: 4-0645
Ta-03 SM-1498 MailStop B255 DP 10S  Los Alamos, NM 87545
-- So shines a good deed in a weary world. = Willy Wonka --

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