[Mimedefang] File qurantine without sending report to final recipient...

Brent J. Nordquist b-nordquist at bethel.edu
Fri Jan 23 10:50:40 EST 2004

Conversely:  Is there a way to use action_quarantine_entire_message() so
that an entire message is preserved intact, and yet still have that
message sent with no alterations to the recipient(s)?  For example, I
recently tried to do this kind of thing to save a copy of every message
whose Subject: was "hello" in order to catch a sample of the Bagle virus.  
But action_quarantine_entire_message() alters the message with our 
standard warning message; I couldn't find a way to do it such that the 
recipient would get the unaltered message.

Brent J. Nordquist <b-nordquist at bethel.edu> N0BJN
Other contact information: http://kepler.acns.bethel.edu/~bjn/contact.html
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