[Mimedefang] spamassassin failure

Matthew Hall leareth at angui.sh
Tue Jan 20 12:43:52 EST 2004

I portupgraded my spamassassin, mimedefang all in one chunk -
things seemed fine. Then I noticed a whole lotta spam coming
through - I did some manual checks and it turns out that
something changed in the SpamAssassin.pm that my older version
of perl (stock 5.005) didn't like.

Now, I know I should have been checking error codes more
efficiently when I call the spam_assassin_is_spam - but
should this error have appeared somewhere at load time?
What error would spam_assassin_is_spam return if there
is a syntax error (as far as perl is concerned) in a
SpamAssassin module?

It's always September somewhere on the 'net. | http://angui.sh
Another proud member of Eep's killfile.      | Unix Sys. Admin.
All projects approach the ghetto, some       |
faster than others.                          | leareth at angui.sh

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