[Mimedefang] Running Spamassassin with network tests in debug mode

Kelson Vibber kelson at speed.net
Wed Jan 14 13:20:28 EST 2004

At 09:52 AM 1/14/2004, Jerry Vonau wrote:
>I've had to disable the network tests in mimedefang, as it was taking 30
>seconds to receive any mail, with it disabled the time is 300 milliseconds.

I can make a suggestion to help mitigate this sort of problem.  Set a lower 
timeout in your spamassassin config, say:
         rbl_timeout 5

Other configurable timeouts are razor_timeout, pyzor_timeout, and dcc_timeout.

(I actually set rbl_timeout to 1 second, since the MD/SA server also runs a 
caching DNS service, and since SA checks so many RBLs that missing one that 
takes a couple of seconds doesn't have a huge impact.)

>In the spamassassin readme there is a blurb about calling spamassassin with
>`spamassassin -D rbl=-3' to see the rbl checking, how would I do this with
>mimedefang in the mix?

I'm not sure it's possible to do that, but even if it is, you're probably 
better off running it manually on some saved messages rather than enabling 
SA debugging in MIMEDefang.  You'll probably want to run the test as the 
defang user in case the problem turns out to be a razor/pyzor/dcc config 
issue rather than an rbl.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <www.speed.net> 

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