[Mimedefang] mimedefang doesn't appear to be running...

Paul Heinlein heinlein at cse.ogi.edu
Tue Jan 6 09:26:17 EST 2004

On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Josh Fryman wrote:

> SA current versions generate the tag in headers:
>    X-Spam-Status:
> followed by a yes/no, and then the hit/score data.  the mimedefang
> handling removes this and replaces it with just the score, ***, and
> useful test hits.
> is there a way to leave that unmodified?

We dealt with this issue by building those headers and adding them in
filter_end(), e.g.,

sub filter_end ($) {
  # ...

  # clear away any existing spamassassin-esque headers
  foreach my $hdr (qw/Checker-Version Flag Level Report Score Status/) {
    action_delete_all_headers( "X-Spam-$hdr" );

  if (-s "./INPUTMSG" < 250*1024) {
    my($hits, $req, $names, $report) = spam_assassin_check();

    # make the spamassassin return values resemble their appearance
    # when using the standalone spamassassin/spamc clients
    $req  = sprintf("%2.2f", $req);
    $hits = sprintf("%2.2f", $hits);
    $report =~ s!\bSPAM:\s*!!g;
    $report =~ s!\n+\z!!g;
    $report =~ s!\n+!\n\t!g;

    # generate info for headers
    my $is_spam = ($hits >= $req) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
    my $sastatus = "$is_spam,\n\thits=$hits required=$req\n\ttests=$names";
    my $sastars = ($hits > 0) ? ( '*' x int($hits) ) : '';

    # headers that always get added
    action_add_header( 'X-Spam-Status', $sastatus );
    action_add_header( 'X-Spam-Level', $sastars );
    action_add_header( 'X-Spam-Checker-Version', $saversion );

    # headers only for messages marked spam; add a leading zero to
    # hit counts less than 10 so users can effectively sort their
    # spam messages numerically by hit count
    if ($hits >= $req) {
      $hits = "0$hits" if $hits < 10;
      my $newsubject = "**SPAM $hits** $Subject";
      action_change_header( 'Subject', $newsubject, 1 );
      action_add_header( 'X-Spam-Report', $report );
      action_add_header( 'X-Spam-Flag', 'YES' );

-- Paul Heinlein <heinlein at cse.ogi.edu>

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