[Mimedefang] Making the spamtrap accounts work for me

Stefano McGhee SMcGhee at ARCweb.com
Thu Jan 1 22:14:01 EST 2004

Hello all,
        As I was going along, reporting spam to SpamCop as I often do, I saw
that they have spamtrap addresses that they don't publish anywhere that they
use as traps.  Mail going to these accounts is highly weighted in their
computations to add them to their RBL.  I have similar addresses (old
employees and some really weird usernames) that routinely get mail that
haven't been active in awhile.  I asked a similar question to this
ml) and ended up with having MD dropping an entire message if any of my
bogus users appeared alone or with valid ones as a recipient.  Nifty stuff.
Now I'm wondering if it makes sense to create a separate file consulted by
MD or edit the access.db to dynamically to REJECT messages that come from
IPs sending to these bogus addresses.

        I seem to remember somebody quite craftily doing something like this
earlier and basically null routing them.  I'm looking for something that
would work from sendmail or MD.  I realize that stopping the message with
sendmail would likely be more efficient, but MD is a little friendlier to me

        Has anyone considered doing this or doing this already?



Stefano S. McGhee
IS and Infrastructure Group Manager
ARC Advisory Group
Three Allied Drive
Suite 212
Dedham, MA 02026
Voice: 781.471.1131
Email: SMcGhee at ARCweb.com

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