[Mimedefang] Problems getting started

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de
Mon Jan 5 15:02:46 EST 2004

Am Mo, den 05.01.2004 schrieb Josh Fryman um 05:49:
> hi all,
> i'm completely new at this mail filter trickery, so please bear 
> with me.  we've got a production mail server, running RH8, that
> i've tried twice now to install the combo sendmail+mimedefang+SA
> on.  the HOWTO i've been following is here:
>    http://www.rudolphtire.com/mimedefang-howto/

[ snipped describtion without helpful details ]

> any help would be appreciated.  i'd _really_ love to make this
> work.
> thanks,
> josh

Well, I personally find the mentioned howto is all you need to have to
make the wanted combination work, although installation of Sendmail from
source i.e. is not neccessary on a Redhat system. Though that opinion
does not help you anyway.

As general, if you do not succeed, then try it in little steps. First
only install MimeDefang and the needed Perl modules. For MimeDefang I
can recommend to build an RPM by using

rpmbuild -ta mimedefang.tar.gz

(I do not remember if RH 8 still had rpm -ta or as written rpmbuild -ta)

After installation of MimeDefang you can integrate it to the sendmail.mc
file and test mail transfer with the standard mimedefang-filter. Set the
loglevel for testing for Sendmail and libmilter to 15 and you will very
verbose see the mails passing through the applications.

Got that working go to the next step and install SpamAssassin. Of course
you will need to again build MimeDefang rpm to let it recognize SA
during compilation. Respect that the default mimedefang-filter needs to
be edited for getting mail header entries by the SA filtering. But this
is mentioned in the howto too.

Ok, I hope this will help you little. It is hard to help if a good howto
is not enough and you can not describe your problems any better.



Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany
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