[Mimedefang] Mimedefang with spamc/spamd

Lucas Albers admin at cs.montana.edu
Wed Jan 28 13:18:45 EST 2004

Kelson Vibber said:
> At 09:19 AM 1/28/2004, Steve Moore wrote:
>>Is it possible to have mimedefang use spamc/spamd rather than loading
>>spamassassin?  And if so what changes do I make to mimedefang-filter to
>>accomplish this?
> MIMEDefang calls SpamAssassin's perl routines directly.  It doesn't
> actually load SpamAssassin, so calling out to spamc/spamd would probably
> slow things down.
You could call it again from a procmail script for tagging (not rejection
of spam, for per user configurations.)
This is what I do.

sample procmailrc script:
#don't run spamc on messages over 256.
* < 256000

#man spamc to see switches
#sort the spam using spamc
:0fw: $HOME/spamassassin.lock
| /usr/bin/spamc -f  -p 7070
#| /usr/bin/spamc -U /tmp/spamd.sock

#this looks at the exit code generated by spamc
#looking at exit codes is good!
:0 e

Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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