[Mimedefang] Recieving email attachments as text attachments to an empty attac hment :)

BEYZAIE Shamim shamim.beyzaie at environment.wa.gov.au
Mon Jan 12 03:59:32 EST 2004

Hi there,

Another small problem, :)

When sending email from Outlook to my linux server running mimedefang and
spamassassin (and relaying it back to my Outlook inbox for testing), if I
attach multiple 'emails' (i.e. attachments that are other emails that I have
recieved in outlook), then when I recieve the email, each attachment has
been replaced by file called 'Untitled Attachment.msg'. This is always an
empty plain text file, with an attachment called 'ATTxxxxxx.txt', which has
the original attachment stored as plain text. (xxxxxx is some random 6 digit

This only happens when the sum total of the attached files is under 100Kb,
since by default Mimedefang bypasses spamassassin for emails larger than

Does anyone know why spamassassin might be converting an email attachment to
text and attaching it to a seperate empty attachment?

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