[Mimedefang] bad extensions

Douglas, Jason jdouglas at municipality.clarington.on.ca
Thu Jan 8 14:49:46 EST 2004

Hello All,

I'm wondering about the best way to handle "bad" attachments. In sub
filter ($$$$) there is the following bit of code in my

If (filter_bad_filename($entity)) {
	md_graphdefang_log('bad_filename', $fname, $type);
	return action_quarantine($entity, "An attachment named $fname
was removed .... ");

So that means it quarantines the message in /var/spool/MD-Quarantine/,
and that neither the sender nor the recipient receive any notification
of the email at all, is that correct?

Shouldn't it be sending the recipient the email with the attachment
removed instead? I really have no need to quarantine these things
providing either the sender or the recipient knows to not send these.
What would be the code to remove the attachment and add the notification
message to the email and let it go through?

How do other people handle "bad" file attachments? Or do you just ignore
them and let virus scanners determine which are really bad?

Thanks for your help.

Jason Douglas
Network Support Technician


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