[Mimedefang] filter_relay not working?

Mike Smith mike at ftl.com
Fri Feb 13 13:47:38 EST 2004

Got it working.....My bust....I had the -r in mimedefang-multiplexor, not
mimedefang :) 

> What you are trying to accomplish is rather opaque to me. Can you please
> specify?

I have a Secondary MX that will spool up mail in the event the primary goes
down. As you know, spammers will often try the higher weighted MX's in the
hopes of sneaking things through. So on this secondary I'm running MD/SA and
RBL checks. I was finding that this machine would identify a message as SPAM
and add the headers. Then it would forward to the primary and it would
change the SPAM headers and say it wasn't spam. See below.

Feb 13 08:19:57 mail sendmail[6308]: i1DGJvR9006308: Milter change: header
X-Spam-Status: from Yes, hits=5.533 required=5\n version=SpamAssassin 2.63
hits=-4.562 required=5\n version=SpamAssassin 2.63

I have since dropped the mimedefang-ip-key, since by using the filter_relay,
there is no way to strip the header since I accept the message outright if
coming from my MX02 box.

 If there is a better way of handling/accomplishing this, I'd love to hear

 Thanks for all the replies.

 - Mike

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